home inspection in Calgary

Before you spend your money and buy something, you check whatever you are buying, thoroughly. So why not your new house? Doing a thorough inspection of your house before you make an offer is as important as the preliminary research you do to find the very house. Home inspection in Calgary is an important step in the home buying process. It not only helps you to find the damages in the house but also helps you come up with a better price for the house based on those damages.

To make the most of a home inspection in Calgary, it is necessary to hire a good home inspector. Apart from that, here is a list of few things to inspect during a home inspection in Calgary.

1. Visible And Invisible Damage

The very first thing which you will notice during a home inspection is the visible damage. This includes mold, mildew, broken roof panels, broken wall structures, etc. Since these things are easily visible, you can make a note of the same. The tough part is looking for the damage which is not openly visible. A good home inspector is well trained to find these. For these damages look under the sinks, on the pipe joints, behind large cabinets, in the basement and in the attic.

2. Plumbing Functions

Home plumbing consists of the pipe structure connecting the water and drainage pipes throughout the house with the plumbing fixtures. You need to check if there are any leaks in the pipe connections. Also, check for rusting and corrosion. To check the water pressure and drainage, flush the toilet a couple of times and turn on every faucet. You can also make use of other water-using appliances to check the plumbing. Do not forget to have a look at the septic system.

3. Electrical Functions

The next thing to inspect during a home inspection is the electrical structure of the house. Go around the house and test whether each switch is functioning. Also, test the sockets by connecting an appliance. Check if the house has enough switchboards and sockets as per your need. Do not forget to check for ground fault interrupters.

4. The Structural Build

A home without a good structure and base is not worth buying. So when inspecting a home, checking the structural build is a must. Have a look at the strength of the roof, the wall plastering, beam supports, etc.

5. Pest Infestation

You would not like to share your home with unwanted pests, right? So during the inspection, do not forget to get a complete check for the presence of pests in the house. Pests such as mice and squirrels can cause serious damage to the electrical system of the house by chewing the wires. Termites are a bigger concern as they cost a lot for complete elimination and cause serious damage to the structure of the house.

Buying a new home without proper home inspection is a bad idea. After spending so much money on the house, you do not want to end up with costly damages. So make a note of things to check during a home inspection in Calgary. To find the best homes in Calgary with minimal damages, take help from the Calgary real estate experts.
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