real estate edmonton

If you are planning to sell your home in Edmonton, you must focus on making some renovations and increasing the resale value of your home. Simply painting your home in and out isn’t enough to increase the resale value of your home. Below are a few things that you can do to increase the resale value by several times.

Focus on the Exteriors

  • Repair your main gate if it is wearing off. Paint it if needed.

  • Replace the broken or cracked signboard and even the mailbox.

  • Declutter your lawn and garden area. Remove the garden hoses and landscaping tools randomly lying around.

  • Trim the plants and shrubs and prune the overgrown trees to make your lawn look well-manicured.

Lighten Up the Property

  • Install enough decorative lights in the external area of your home. Lighten up the driveway and pathway.

  • Have enough lighting in each room so that they don’t appear gloomy.

Make Repairs

  • Repair the cracks in the walls, ceiling, flooring, and staircase of your home.

  • Get rid of the musty odor and mold layers from every room of your home.

  • Repair any and everything you think can affect the resale value of your home.

  • Repair the plumbing as well as electrical problems in every part of your property.

Beautify the Bathroom

  • Replace the broken or cracked plumbing fixtures such as faucets, showerheads, toilet, basin, bathtub, etc.

  • Fix the drainage issues in your bathroom.

  • Replace the flooring and ceiling if needed. 

  • Clean your bathroom thoroughly and get rid of mold or fungal growths.

  • Eliminate excessive moisture.

Secure Your Home

  • Install efficient locks on your main gate and main door.

  • Install security cameras, motion sensor alarm, and access control on your property to secure it.

Check the Roofing

  • Go up on the roof and check if all the shingles are in good condition. Replace the broken, cracked, or missing shingles.

  • Unclog the eavestrough and make sure it is properly secured to the roof.

  • Declutter the roof and remove dead leaves, branches, and debris from the roof.

Repair the Hardware

  • Repair the doors and windows if they are wearing off.

  • Paint them if needed.

  • Replace the doors and windows if they are cracked, chipped, broken, splintered, or have become inefficient.

These tips will majorly increase the resale value of your home. The next step is to market and stage your home correctly to attract potential homebuyers. Get in touch with our experienced real estate agents to sell your home in Edmonton smartly.

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